Association Management Services
Skilled Personnel Responsive To The Needs Of Our Clients
The Property Manager will be the primary representative of Ardsley Management to your Association and will facilitate all service and communication. The entire Ardsley Team also responds to the needs of your Association.
Ardsley Management will maintain and archive all official records of your Association. Official books and records will be made available to homeowners and Board Members as provided by your Covenants. Normal business hours are 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Appointments can be made for other times by mutual agreement.
The Property Manager will be familiar with the Declaration, By-Laws, Covenants and Rules and Regulations of your Association and will work to assist you in policy decisions based on the criteria contained in your Documents.
The Property Manager will work with the Board of Directors to ensure cost effective and efficient operation of the property. This will include recommendations for capital improvements and long term Reserve Analysis and funding.
Ardsley Management will provide routine and emergency phone service for its clients twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Emergency calls will be answered as received. Routine calls will be forwarded to the next scheduled business day.
Monthly Manager’s Reports will be given to all Board Members. This report may detail accomplishments or concerns throughout the community as well as listings of new homeowners and the status of Accounts Receivable.
All correspondence of the Board will be responsibility of Ardsley Management.
The Property Manager will be responsible for maintaining necessary levels of insurance for property, casualty and liability insurance as recommended by the Insurance Agent and approved by the Board of Directors.
Welcome letters are sent to all new homeowners informing them of where to send their Association dues and other pertinent information.